Community Garden

A shared solution to local food scarcity.

The need

Poverty and hunger are everyday realities for many children in Juarez. And healthy food is especially difficult for families to secure.

What we do

The community garden began with the hopes of not only providing children with healthy foods to eat but also to give community members a project to work on collectively. We want the community garden to be something the children can contribute to and be proud of their work.

And everyone receives the benefit of healthy fruits and vegetables to eat free of charge. As with all our activities, our prayer is to use the community garden to point children to a loving God, their Creator, who gave them  life and breath and provides for their daily needs.

The impact

We believe the community garden can have both immediate and lasting impact by providing kids with healthy options now and also teaching them lifelong skills that will help them provide for their families later on. By working together in the garden, children are learning the value of community, sharing, patience--and they get to enjoy the fruit of their labor (literally!).

Ways you can help

There are opportunities to provide needed resources for this program.

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